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The Home of Reflective Supervision        

In-Trac has one of the most comprehensive portfolios of Health Care training in the U.K. We have specialist teams able to deliver everything from refresher & update training for staff, including General Practice Staff. We have a range of clinical courses suitable for Nurses and Doctors working across the sectors, including Anaphylaxis, Asthma, Arthritis, and Epilepsy, as well as Diabetes Awareness, First Aid accredited courses and Tissue Viability. We are able to provide short protected learning time sessions for GP Practice Staff.

In-Trac trainers bring a wealth of experience, both as practitioners and as teachers to the training they deliver to clients in Health Care. We have included many of the more popular and important courses here; however, if there is a topic missing from this extensive list, please feel free to contact us by phone, email or via our website and we would be happy to discuss your requirements with you.

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Our Healthcare Courses

Supervising to Safeguard in Health Organisations (Individual space course)

This three day Supervision Training course is designed to assist participants to deliver a model of supervision that works within a health organisation and contributes towards keeping children and adults safe from harm. It explores the elements of supervision that are intrinsic to keeping children and adults safe from harm across all professions. The course will explore working with uncertainty, the factors that affect decision making, the role of emotional resilience as well as lessons from serious case reviews.

LGBT+ Awareness in Healthcare

By completing this course it will enable you to support any LGBTQ+ individual within your services more effectively. We'll explore the concepts of Sex, Gender and Attraction and why these are essential in understanding the experiences of the LGBTQ+ communities. This course will cover the different areas of LGBTQ+, its history and discrimination as well as talking about stereotyping and heterosexual normality. During the session, you will be given a safe space to ask those questions that you may not want to ask in fear of getting it wrong or offending someone. The course also covers person-centred care planning and how to ensure that LGBTQ+ individuals are supported effectively

D/deaf Awareness and a brief introduction to British Sign Language

In the UK one in six people have some level of hearing loss. This means that you are likely to meet people who are D/deaf on a daily basis. This course is aimed at individuals and organisations who want to develop their understanding of D/deaf awareness, gain skills to improve their communication and improve their organisation’s accessibility.


The purpose of one day session is to introduce participants to the concept of neurodiversity, what that means for our practice and how we can make our services more accessible and our interaction with neurodiverse customers more engaging and productive. The course will include information on areas such as Autism, Autistic Spectrum Disorder (Including Asperger’s Syndrome), ADHD, dyslexia and dyspraxia amongst others and will allow discussion on what these conditions mean for those experiencing them, but also what we can do to engage with and be more engaging for our neurodiverse customers/clients

Mental Health First Aid (Accredited)

The two-day certificated programme for candidates to become Mental Health First Aiders, certified by MHFA England aims to allow participants to gain an awareness of Mental Health disorders, the different types of mental disorder, the causes of mental disorder, and the symptoms to look out for and actions to take. The course will identify the statistics of mental health disorders, it will cover suicide and self-harm and how to support someone with suicidal ideas or carrying out self-harm. It will enable participants to have the skills and confidence around mental health disorders, how to support someone who may have a mental health disorder in seeking the appropriate help and will endeavour to put mental health on the same footing as physical health in the workplace.

Lunchtime Learning – Sepsis Awareness

The aim of this course is to understand what sepsis is, recognise early warning signs of sepsis developing and know what to do promptly. To understand how to prevent localised infections developing into systemic life-threatening sepsis. Sepsis affects 245,000 people in the UK every year, 20% of whom will die as a result of sepsis. Sepsis kills more people every year than breast cancer, bowel cancer and prostate cancer combined, yet many people do not know how to recognise early signs of it or what to do when it is spotted. This short course will empower anyone who works with children or adults to better understand sepsis and explain how they could to save a life by acting quickly.

Intersectionality Awareness

In this session we will be exploring what intersectionality is, some of the key concepts and principles and what we can do to take an intersectional approach when working with people

Safeguarding – Clinical Leadership

This two day course will consider both the culture of safeguarding in the organisation to explore what a “rights respecting culture” looks like, and the operational aspect of safeguarding to explore what “rights respecting care” looks like. Day 1 will focus on legal literacy around the relevant legal frameworks for child and adult safeguarding with the aim to support both the organisational culture and strategy as well as the operational day to day delivery of safeguarding. Day 2 will focus on good practice around record keeping and reporting. It will include a session on lessons to be learnt from audits, ombudsmen cases, reviews, complaints and serious incidents. It will end with a session around the role of the professional witness in court, giving evidence and top tips for preparation.

De-escalation – A Proactive Approach to Conflict

This one-day conflict awareness and verbal response training session helps participants to develop their insight into the reasons why we may encounter conflict in the workplace. In this De-escalation - A Proactive Approach to Conflict Training course we share simple and effective strategies for creating and maintaining safe working practices and environments.

Disengagement Training

This session is aimed at individuals who work with, support or care for children, young people or adults and provides practical techniques to release and re-direct situations whereby we are grabbed or held.

Safeguarding Disabled Children

This one-day introductory programme of Social Care training Safeguarding Disabled Children aims to explore good practice in the protection of disabled children from abuse, and promote effective working together for all those concerned for their safety and welfare.

Duty of Care

This course will provide participants with a complete understanding surrounding the Duty Care including how duty of care contributes to safe practice

Healthcare Ethics

This interactive course will consider healthcare related ethics; the law and the grey issues of patient/client confidentiality, young people, end of life ethics and with illnesses such as HIV.

Safeguarding Adults – Level 2 – Principles and Practice

When it comes to safeguarding adults and minimising the risk of abuse and neglect, there are a number of important responsibilities involved for those who may encounter vulnerable adults within their role. Our safeguarding adults level 2 training addresses these responsibilities and gives learners a deeper understanding of key safeguarding topics enabling them to apply the knowledge to their workplace. It introduces safeguarding as a topic, covering jargon, multi-agency working and best practice, as well as explaining how to identify the signs and symptoms of abuse, what to do if someone discloses information, and what you should do if you suspect a vulnerable adult is being abused.

Introduction to New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) & Substance Misuse

This course will equip individuals working with people experiencing drug misuse issues, with an increased knowledge of current trends of drug and alcohol use and the most commonly used drugs and their physical and psychological effects. There will be a significant focus on New Psychoactive Substances, formerly known as Legal Highs, in terms of their effects, legality etc.

Substance Misuse

This course will equip individuals working with people experiencing drug misuse issues, with an increased knowledge of current trends of drug and alcohol use and the most commonly used drugs and their physical and psychological effects. There will be a significant focus on New Psychoactive Substances, formerly known as Legal Highs, in terms of their effects, legality etc.

Foetal Alcohol Syndrome

Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), formerly Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is the umbrella term used to describe the leading cause of preventable birth defects and is the commonest known cause of cognitive impairment in children, in the world. 6,000 babies are born each year in the UK with FASD – and many are undiagnosed. If you work with children, adolescents or vulnerable adults you may be supporting someone with an FASD. It is a spectrum disorder caused when a pregnant women consumes alcohol, Improvements in screening, identification, and treatment of children with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs) can be enhanced through systematic efforts to educate medical and allied health students and practitioners about these disorders. Such efforts will contribute toward the goal of better identification, diagnosis, and referral for treatment for individuals with prenatal alcohol exposure.

Drug & Alcohol Awareness

The misuse of alcohol and drugs is a significant problem that affects not only individuals and families, but also the workplace. This course will help employers and organizations across different sectors to develop good practice in all aspects of alcohol and drug related issues.

County Lines & Child Criminal Exploitation

Child criminal exploitation is not defined in law, though the government’s Serious Violence Strategy (2018) defines it as occurring where an individual or group takes advantage of an imbalance of power to coerce, control, manipulate or deceive a child or young person under the age of 18 into any criminal activity: • in exchange for something the victim needs or wants • for the financial or other advantage of the perpetrator or facilitator • through violence or the threat of violence The most common form of child criminal exploitation is ‘County lines”. County lines is defined by the Government’s Serious Violence Strategy (2018) as “…a term used to describe gangs and organised criminal networks involved in exporting illegal drugs into one or more importing areas (within the UK), using dedicated mobile phone lines or other form of ‘deal line’. They are likely to exploit children and vulnerable adults to move (and store) the drugs and money and they will often use coercion, intimidation, violence (including sexual violence) or weapons.” There are more than 2,000 County lines organised criminal gangs across England and Wales and gang members can give some children and young people a false sense of belonging, safety, and security, filling a gap that exists in their lives.

Motivational Interviewing

Motivational Interviewing has its origins in the alcohol field in the 1980’s and is one of the best validated and widely used of all psychosocial interventions for alcohol use problems (Miller & Rose, 2009). Dr William Miller observed practice where people accessing treatment and support were often subject to authoritarian and confrontational approaches which resulted in people feeling let down by treatment. Consequently, he developed MI alongside Stephen Rollnick. MI uses a conversational approach which works with people’s motivations to grow and change. The MI practitioner on this 2-day Motivational Interviewing Training course is trained to use a guiding style to empower the service user to consider both their internal motivations for change and grow as well as the impact of external factors (family, friends, society and media). The service user benefits from this approach through being placed in control of their decision making as the expert of their situation. There is a strong focus on the practitioner and service user working in partnership in moving towards change and growth.

Supervising to Safeguard in Health Organisations (Children’s)

This two day Supervision Training course (with the option of a third follow up day) is designed to assist participants to deliver a model of supervision that works within a health organisation and contributes towards keeping children safe from harm. It explores the elements of supervision that are intrinsic to keeping children safe from harm across all professions. The course will explore working with uncertainty, the factors that affect decision making, the role of emotional resilience as well as lessons from serious case reviews.

Autism (Developing Skills) – Part 1

This is a one day course for staff to provide day to day support and care to people on the autistic spectrum and to provide an opportunity to build on your existing knowledge of Autistic Spectrum Disorder and to use this knowledge to identify practical strategies that can be used when supporting individuals with Autistic Spectrum Disorder.

Supervising to Improve Practice

This four day programme is usually delivered as the two day core programme, plus an additional two days approximately one month later. There will be an expectation that participants complete tasks in the intervening period, thus enabling learning to be put into practice. This course may be supplemented by an observation of supervision practice afters day two and day four. his course aims to provide participants with the skills required to deliver effective supervision with a focus on complex practice dynamics and methods and tools for developing and improving performance. Link to PCF domain 7 & 9 Learning Outcomes

Recording Reflective Supervision

Recording a style of supervision which moves beyond a focus on task completion can be a challenge and for example, within Children’s Services, Ofsted inspections in a number of Local Authorities have commented that reflection and analysis are insufficiently evidenced within the supervision records. In-Trac believes that good recording is an important element of good practice as it provides the opportunity for the supervisee and supervisor to reflect on, summarise and agree the key elements of their discussions as well as providing a permanent record of the reasons underlining decisions which is available to others. We have been working with a number of organisations to create formats that support the recording of reflective supervision and have developed this one day workshop to develop the skills of supervisors in this task. The aim of the day is therefore to explore best practice in recording supervision with a focus on the effective recording of case discussions in the child’s records. It is an interactive participative day focusing on the practical skills involved. It is assumed that participants will have attended previous In-Trac training equipping them with the skills required to deliver reflective supervision

Safeguarding Disabled Children (2 days)

The aim of this course is to increase participant’s awareness of the particular vulnerabilities of disabled children and to provide them with an opportunity to explore ways in which we can effectively safeguard disabled children from harm.

Providing Reception Services

The receptionist plays a key role in promoting the image of the business and ensuring that external and internal stakeholders are linked to the right person quickly and efficiently. They are very often the first person that an external customer will speak to or see so it is vital that the person fulfilling this role is; Knowledgeable about the organisation. Understanding of the structure of the Trust so they can direct queries and questions to the correct person or department. Able t0 make and receive telephone calls using the organisation’s codes of practice and correct telephone etiquette. A strong communicator – possesses active listening skills and emotional intelligence Adaptable and resilient In possession of excellent time management skills Empathetic – Actively interacting when greeting internal clients i.e. children to help reduce anxiety and make them feel comfortable.

Developing Effective Supervision: Core Skills for Supervisors

This two day Developing Effective Supervision Training programme (with the option of a third follow up day) aims to focus on the core knowledge and skills needed by supervisors working within a variety of settings in health and social care. For social work supervisors the content of the course is consistent with the approach to supervision set out within the employers standards.

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