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The Home of Reflective Supervision        

In-Trac has a team of trainers specialising in working with people with learning difficulties & learning disabilities. Key amongst this training is Autism related situations, where we are able to deliver five different levels of Autism training from basic awareness to very advanced courses. Our autism training has been extremely highly rated and we are able to deliver to both the public and private sectors.

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Our Learning Difficulty / Disability Courses

Developing Social Stories for Young People with SEND

Social Stories are a practical tool to support children in understanding and responding to social situations. They can be tailored to a child's interests, helping them feel more confident and prepared in various contexts. This one say course will help practitioners to understand what a social story is and how to construct and use one.

Understanding Neurodiversity

This one-day course will enable practitioners to support parents and carers of neurodivergent children to understand their children, foster empathic relationships and create environments that enable children to fulfil their potential.

D/deaf Awareness and a brief introduction to British Sign Language

In the UK one in six people have some level of hearing loss. This means that you are likely to meet people who are D/deaf on a daily basis. This course is aimed at individuals and organisations who want to develop their understanding of D/deaf awareness, gain skills to improve their communication and improve their organisation’s accessibility.

Working with Adults with Learning Disabilities

This two-day course will provide participants with the opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge when working with adults who have learning disabilities. Through a blended learning approach including seminar sessions, group work and case studies and examples participants will explore the key themes and areas in order to increase their confidence in this field of work. This course will equip participants with the knowledge and skills, to work effectively and confidently with Adults who have learning disabilities.

Engaging Parents and Carers with Learning Disabilities

This course will enable delegates to work and engage with parents/carers who have any sort of learning disability. Empowering Social Workers to have the confidence to identify and complete assessments with adults with learning disabilities, enabling them to effectively assess parenting capacity and recognise when specialist intervention is required.

Assessing the needs of children in situations of parental learning disability

Working to support learning disabled parents and ensure that their children are safe requires an understanding of the multiplicity of risk factors facing learning disabled parents and their children. This course will build on established assessment frameworks and provide participants with up to date knowledge and skills that will assist them to conduct effective assessments and work alongside families and their children to both need and reduce risk.

Capturing the Views & Wishes of Disabled Children

The need to successfully capture the views and wishes of children is a concept that is both philosophically shared as well as embedded in legislation. Those of us working with disabled children need to draw on a skills base of creativity, flexibility and advocacy in order to ensure the voice of each child is captured, valued and used to influence and enhance the quantity of disabled children's lives and experiences.

Autism: Exploring Sensory Awareness

This is a one day course is for anyone who works with children or adults who exhibit autistic behaviours. Many children and adults with autistic spectrum disorders experience diminished or heightened sensitivity to sensory stimuli. This course explores the main sensory processes and the impact on the individual if they are functioning usually. This knowledge can then be applied in designing an assessment which can produce an individual Sensory Profile for each child or adult and how to integrate the results of this assessment into the person’s everyday life to improve communication, socialisation and participation, hopefully making life less stressful and more enjoyable. It will also demonstrate how the assessment results can be used to plan environments, teaching strategies and communication plans for each individual.

Communication with Disabled Children

Communicating with disabled children, particularly non-verbal children requires a very special set of skills. This course sets out to help participants overcome the various barriers to good communication and offers a range of tools and resources to help

Autism (Developing Skills) – Part 1

This is a one day course for staff to provide day to day support and care to people on the autistic spectrum and to provide an opportunity to build on your existing knowledge of Autistic Spectrum Disorder and to use this knowledge to identify practical strategies that can be used when supporting individuals with Autistic Spectrum Disorder.

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